who plays Jennifer Corder.
Sally Smith, aged 20, with fair hair and blue eyes, is only five foot high, but her dynamic personality often makes her seem ten foot tall. Sally was dancing almost before she could walk and at the age of three went to ballet school. At twelve she made her first professional appearance. Now she has made three films and achieved considerable success in London’s West End theatres where currently she is starring in ‘Lock Up Your Daughters’. As Dr Corder’s wilful daughter, Jennifer, she is delightful.

who plays Dr Jimmy Davis.
No problem for 23 year-old, 6 foot Michael Johnson when he told his parents that he wanted to be an actor, for his father, a school teacher, was already a leading light in the amateur dramatic society in Grimsby, where Michael was born. He was noticed in a small role in a film ‘Seven Keys’, and invited to test for the plum television part as Dr Davis, assistant to Dr Corder in ‘The Human Jungle’.
who plays Jane Harris, assistant to Dr Corder.
Aged 29, slender, with brown hair and blue eyes, Mary Steele was born in Hampstead and was evacuated to Cornwall during the war, where she went to school. After matriculating, she went to ballet school then to the Bristol Old Vic and five other repertory companies before graduating into films and the West End theatre. For her role as a psychiatric welfare worker in ‘The Human Jungle’, Mary has talked with people in that field, prison visitors and probation officers to gain background authenticity.
who plays Nancy Hamilton, Dr Corder’s secretary.
Mary Yeomans was born near Rubery, Worcs., 31 years ago, the daughter of a builder. When, after schooling in Birmingham, Mary asked to go to drama school, her parents were horrified.
As a compromise, she agreed to study to be a school teacher, but also studied acting part time at the Birmingham Repertory School.
The role of Nancy, the reliable bastion between Dr Corder and his patients is her biggest television opportunity to date.